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Virtual classroom

Virtual classroom

The main advantage of the Virtual Classroom is the flexibility to start and finish courses. Also, you can also select your own study schedule. We adapt to your personal and professional circumstances so you can decide when to start and how much time you will dedicate to it.

Following this line of thought we have designed the Virtual Classroom based on the continual training system objective.

What does continuous training mean?
Very simple: it is not for students who adapt to the education programs, but we are those who adapt our programs according to the needs of each student. This raises certain questions:

It is very easy. Courses do not have any specific date of beginning or end. They start as soon as you subscribe and end when you finish the program.

What will I find in the Virtual Classroom if I subscribe to one of the courses?
Besides this, you will find the training program and all the necessary technology resources so that your long distance education program will be satisfactory.

Will there be anyone to help me during the course?
Of course. One of the characteristics of our Virtual Classroom is that you will be assigned a teacher who will accompany you during the course to whom you can always turn to in case of doubts or questions you might have. A tutor will be responsible to review the practice and work that you send, and also will lead and provide you with the ideas which might help you with your learning. Our tutors are bilingual which means that they speak both Spanish and English to ensure easy communication with you.

Some of the resources you can find in our Virtual Classroom are the following:

Notification Panels and news articles of general interest are permanently updated.

A mailbox for personal contact with your teacher so that you can communicate directly with him him/her via messages. Besides the messages, you could exchange archives for example in the best email programs.

Area of contents including course lessons, as well as those to which you would have access to as you advance in your program.

Area of your practice is a place where you find self-evaluation exercises just like the activities which you have to complete and hand in to a teacher who will evaluate it.

Self-evaluations are the objective proofs which help you to check the grade of the assimilation of each of the course lessons.

The Library includes multiple contents, complementary resources, articles and reference books which you can look at anytime, when you need to clarify concepts or expand your knowledge.

The Multimedia Area includes resounding archives and videos with easy applications and introductions to the course contents.

Course Forum so that you can exchange opinions, make queries, clarify doubts, etc with other classmates who share the course with you as well as with your teachers.

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