Terms and conditions
Read the terms and conditions as listed below before signing any application form. This is a legal contract between both parties, yourself, the participant, and Myspanishcoursesonline.
Myspanishcoursesonline. is a trademark property of Schools & Courses S.L. Schools and Courses S.L. is a Limited Company listed on the Commercial Register of Álava, Book 1259, Section 8, Leaf:VI-213 with CIF: B01403567. In accepting the offer, this indicates that you agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the contract.
The courses offered are developed through telecommunication; a Virtual classroom where the student has the necessary components for the development of the program, which have the following features:
- The participant declares to know the Price, duration and the course services, which are published in the teaching guide for each course and on the website. Course fees must be paid in full before the course starts through the payment methods offered by Myspanishcoursesonline.. Some courses allow payment by instalments in specifically expressed circumstances.
- The participant declares to have received all the information concerning the conditions, course content and programming and has a period of 3 working days prior to which passwords are provided to withdraw from the contract, with the right to a full refund, without having to complete any forms, unless communicated in writing Myspanishcoursesonline.. After three working days a refund cannot be given.
- In the teaching guide for each course; the contents, conditions and characteristics are detailed. The participant declares to know the content of the teaching guides. Each course is tutored by teachers with advanced or intermediate degrees in the subjects to be taught and / or professional experience in the relevant subjects. The tutors are responsible for explaining, correcting and evaluating the course content, practising and self assessing the exercises.
Myspanishcoursesonline.will replace teachers when it is necessary, ensuring that they are also professionally qualified. Any doubts or questions about the contents of the course can be made to the tutor or tutors through the virtual classroom. The maximum response time for questions and tutorials is 2 working days.
- In the case of telephone tutoring via Skype or Google Talk, the tutor and the participant will agree on a specific time in which to undertake the tutoring, which will last for a minimum of one hour. Assuming that the tutoring could not be carried out due to the absence of the participant or technical problems, these are not attributable to Myspanishcoursesonline.. This means that the tutoring will be held for an hour. If the participant wishes to cancel an appointment with the tutor, this should be expressed at least 24 hours in advance.
- The virtual classroom can be accessed through a username and password. The password is personal and not transferable. If the password or username is lost or stolen, the user must immediately notify Institute Hemingway in order to prevent unauthorized changes and access. The participant is entitled to enter the virtual classroom until the educational programme has been completed; assuming that delays in its conclusion can lead to changes in the course content.
- At the end of the course, the participant will be evaluated by the assigned tutors. If the evaluation is positive, then Myspanishcoursesonline.will issue a diploma of achievement which will express in the contents of the course the hours and duration. A course registration certificate can be issued if the participant fails to pass the assessment of the course but only if requested by the participant.
- The participants declare to posses or have access to a computer that is suitable for the telecommunication specifications and an internet connection that allows access to the virtual classroom and the tutorials via skype or Google talk. Likewise, they declare to have sufficient computer skills that allow access to the contents of each course and follow the proposed methodology.
- In the virtual classroom where social interaction takes place, such as chat and Forums etc, participants can voice their opinions to maintain interactive communication with other participants. These conversations should be appropriate and respect other users and it is totally prohibited to cause discomfort to other participants, teachers or members of Myspanishcoursesonline., who have the right to remove any comments which are considered to be offensive. Myspanishcoursesonline.is not responsible for the opinions, contents and other materials that the participants contribute to the Virtual Classroom.
- The contents included in the courses are published by Myspanishcoursesonline.and are updated periodically in order to guaranty that they are up-to-date. Total or partial reproduction of the edited contents remains prohibited. The intellectual property rights of the content of the web page and the graphic design are the property of the centre; therefore its reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation are prohibited, except for personal and private use. Likewise, it also prohibits the use of any method to disclose or duplicate the teaching methodology or technology for any purpose other than for personal or private use.
- The participant promises not to engage in activities or access computer systems, which are unauthorised both at the centre as well as with third parties. Also, the participant should not engage in activities which have unauthorised access, alter or manipulate information, whether the information belongs to the centre or if it belongs to third parties.